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  • What is Pilates?
    Pilates is a system of exercises designed by Joseph Pilates that work to correct imbalances with your muscles so they can be structured on the skeleton for their optimum efficiency. It is the perfect combination of strength, stretch and control. The release of tension combined with strength building creates efficient movement within the body increasing range of motion, decreasing pain.
  • How is it different from other forms of exercise?
    Precision in how you work is the number one difference in Pilates. When you attend a private or group class, we do not want you to just run through the motions creating the picture of the exercise, we work to get you to work to move from your deep stabilizing muscles first thus supporting the bones and joints correctly, creating new muscular patterns, not just relying on your existing patterns.
  • What are the benefits of Pilates?
    The benefits are many: Increased lung capacity through lateral breathing Better body awareness and use of core Increased strength and flexibility Oxygenation of cells leads to repair of tissues and better health Improved alignment and posture
  • Can I do Pilates with an injury?
    Pilates is great as a rehabilitative tool. We work with you at a pace that is suitable to help release or strengthen muscles around the problem area. I regularly liaise with medical professionals to ensure you are supported in your aims correctly. If you are not in acute pain you will be able to find Pilates exercises to do. Particularly if working in the Studio on the Apparatus for which it was specifically designed for.
  • How often should I do Pilates?
    Pilates is meant to be done on a daily basis. It is ongoing maintenance for your body. We do not overwork any one part of the body to the point where it is completely fatigued. Pilates is a full body workout in each exercise if done correctly. We focus on quality of the movement, not the quantity.
  • Why is Classical Pilates more expensive than the average exercise class?
    The professional Classical Pilates Training on the Pilates Apparatus and Matwork is long, demanding and thorough. Mine took 1550 hrs. It is an intense program with many hours’ lectures, practical work, practice teaching and observing. We are movement specialists rather than class instructors. This deeper level of training will help you make changes within the body. A good way to approach it is to think of the costs that you may incur from regular physiotherapist, chiropractor, or massage treatments. While these certainly have their place and benefits, if your body is balanced correctly, you will decrease and possibly stop the need for these regular visits.
  • Who can do Pilates?
    Anybody can do Pilates regardless of age or level of fitness. If you are thinking about starting your Pilates journey, please consider the following: Give it a decent try. Commit to 3 months of learning the method as there is a lot to take on board. Ensure you are in a class suited to your level. Even if you are a highly active person, or already feel you are strong, fit and flexible take the time to experience beginner levels first so that you can build on a good foundation and understanding of the work. Alternately, investing in a private lesson is a great way to begin.
  • Can I do Pilates if I am pregnant?
    Pilates is excellent to support your changing body during pregnancy and incredibly good afterwards at getting your core strong and your waist back. Always ensure you Pilate’s instructor is formally qualified in these subjects. It is best to join anti-natal class or have private lessons rather than join a general group matwork class, particularly if you haven’t done Pilates before.
  • What should I bring/wear?
    Due to Covid you will now need to bring your own Pilates Mat and any small equipment, eg: band & Magic Circle. Please do not use a Yoga Mat as they don’t have enough cushioning. These can be purchased from myself beforehand. Bring a water bottle and maybe a small towel or small cushion. You need to wear comfortable, workout clothes. Avoid zips and studs particularly around the lower half. We need to see your body moving so avoid baggy or bulky clothes. Please wear socks in class for hygienic reasons. When in class please be respectful of others and if you can turn you mobile off that would be great.
  • Why should I commit to a term/course/why do packages expire?
    To work on changing habitual movement patterns in the body, correct movements must be practiced regularly. Like learning any new skill, it takes an experienced teacher and commitment from the student. You sign up for a set time to help you commit to your Pilates practice to see and feel a difference.
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